Liferay DC User Group

Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from Washington, D.C.

2015 March 05 Meeting Minutes

Liferay User Group Minutes: 03/05/2015 1600 - 1000 EST

Meeting Location:

Cell Audio Call (not recorded)

Participants Present:

Bijan Vakili

Johnnie Stubbs (Liferay Employee)

Agenda Discussion:

Johnnie Stubbs' suggestions for the group:

  • Conjoin efforts with a Liferay Partner; who can provide accommodation, space
  • Hold meeting during week and at lunchtime
  • Meeting to be about 90 minutes
  • Plan meeting for the first week of April
  • Present one use case and one technical; with networking opportunity too
  • Potentially split User Group in two: separate Northern VA and DC

Bijan Vakili's feedback and some thoughts:

  • I know of three dedicated users; who will most likely come and spread the word: David Weitzel, Shahab Noori, Tai Ton That.
  • Have two 20-minute presentations; with 10 minutes of question and answer; and 10 minutes of intermission time. This will fill up 1 hour of the time. For the rest, we can have "lightning talks;" about 3 lightning talks, with each 5mins.
  • I've added the spreadsheet to track confirms; I'll share it with people mentioned above.

Action Items:

  • Johnnie Stubbs to follow up on sponsor. (No concrete date that could count as end date)
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