Liferay UK User Group

Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from the United Kingdom


Welcome to the Liferay UK User Group! #

@LiferayUKUG #

As this is a local user group, we encourage you to share information and help increase awareness and adoption of Liferay in the UK. Our goal is to form a network of people in the UK who work with, have used, are investigating or are simply interested in Liferay.

Next Event: #

Community Meetup in London: 17th May - London


Hello Liferayers!

Let's get together in London for Liferay talks, free drinks and a bite to eat. 

Join us for an after-work evening of knowledge sharing, engaging discussions and, of course, a lot of fun. 

Places are limited so, please register! 


• Upgrading to Liferay 7: Matt Fulford - CTO at Pfiks

• To be confirmed (If you would like to suggest a topic, please send an e-mail to

Sponsored by Pfiks 

Register here


Latest news #

Don't worry if you missed out this time around - there will be plenty more as the group continues to grow and gain momentum!

Past meet ups #

See below for reviews of past meet ups!

  • March 2016 - Bristol
  • November 2015 - Dev Live Sessions UK 2016, London
  • April 2015 - Liferay Connected Services and Behaviour-Driven Development and Automated Browser Testing with Liferay.
  • February 2015 - Our first Liferay User Group meeting of the year!
  • October 2014 (London - Pre-LPSF Meetup 2014 - we rocked the boat!
  • June 2014 (Exeter) - 'Liferay and Digital Public Services': John Jackson (London Borough of Camden) on public sector Open Systems frameworks, national procurement strategy and the Open Source Alliance; Ben Brown and Adam Ziubrzynski (South Worcestershire Shared ICT Service) on designing responsive websites using Liferay and Bootstrap; Gavin Becket (Bristol City Council) on BCC's new digital platform applying GDS service standards; Rob Walsh (Simply Change) on Liferay implementations and upgrades (slides available here).
  • November 2013 (London) - Pre-LPSF social! Much fun was had by all.
  • October 2013 (Bristol) - Great turnout and great presos: 'Installing Liferay in the Jelastic Cloud', 'Integrating Orbeon Forms with Liferay Portal' and 'Using Vaadin 7 with Liferay'. Slides will hopefully be up soon!
  • August 2013 (Midlands) - A sneak peek at Liferay 6.2 beta, plus an excellent e-commerce integration with Liferay.
  • June 2013 (Leeds) - A fantastic meetup including two talks on  web/video conferencing on Liferay (with BigBlueButton) and automatic categorization using Liferay/Solr/Mahout. Email if you want the slides and she'll see what she can finagle.
  • May 2013 (Sheffield) - PUB QUIZ! Grand prize: Liferay Snuggie (actually)
  • March 2013 (London) - Talks: An intro to Liferay Sync and securing Liferay (check out the video!)
  • January 2013 at LGA
  • 19 November 2012 social
  • 6 November 2012 meet up (read the full report here!)
  • September 2012 meet up (click here for a nice report on the event by community member Stian; find all videos, podcasts, photos and summary here!)
  • July 2012 meet up
  • June 2012 meet up

Documentation and help #

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Richard Hering

Miembro completo

Ben Brown

Technology Manager


Dimitrios Zigkos

Miembro completo

Ceri Wild

LGA Corporate Website...

Ernout van der Waard


Siva Reddy

Liferay Developer

Hardik Pathak

Miembro completo

Lanre Ogunbayo

Miembro completo

Elinor Ni Chathain

Miembro completo

richard naoufal

Miembro completo

Laban Mwansa

Product Technical Trainer

Chris Morris

Miembro completo

Kathryn Manning

Miembro completo

Andrew Long

Miembro completo

Robin Keith

Head of Web and...

Simon Kehoe

Miembro completo

Sarah Jennings

Miembro completo

Paul Hussein

Miembro completo

Faisal Hossain

Web Systems Manager

Kristian Hibberd

Miembro completo

Richard Hering

Miembro completo

Matt Fulford

Miembro completo

Liz Copeland

Miembro completo

Ben Collins

Miembro completo

lou cat

Miembro completo

Paul Brown

Miembro completo

Ben Brown

Technology Manager

Aniket Bharambe

Solution Architect

Mark Berthelemy

Managing Director

John Baker

Miembro completo

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Miembro completo