Liferay Switzerland User Group

Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from Switzerland


Welcome to the Liferay Switzerland User Group! #


Welcome to the Swiss Liferay User Group. The Swiss Liferay User Group is dedicated to learning, sharing knowledge and experiences, networking, meeting experts, and finding solutions to problems and issues related to the Liferay platform.

News & Events #

Webinar "Mobile app development for Liferay" Date: 27.05.2015 Time: 16:00 -17:00 CEST Registration:"

Join now! #

The Swiss Liferay User Group is seeking members to join in the discussion and participate in the group.

To join, first establish an account by joining on Next, email Malgorzata Pinkowska at with your email address to be added to this group! We are looking forward to welcome you at Swiss Liferay User Group!

See the FAQ page

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