Liferay Austin User Group

Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from Austin


Welcome to the Liferay Austin User Group!

A core group of Liferay enthusiasts in the Austin area have come together to form this user group to collaborate and share our Liferay knowledge with each other.

Latest News

Upcoming Events

See the Full Calendar for all events.

We will look to host regular meetups of the group to discuss Liferay architecture, design, development, and usage topics that will help grow our collective knowledge base in the greater Austin area. More details on upcoming meetups will be added to the calendar.


The Liferay Austin User Group is always seeking new members to join in the discussion and participate in the group. To join, simply email vagarwal at 


Frequently Asked Questions

To be created

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51265 Accesos


Vivek Agarwal

Vice President -...


Rujuan Xing

Miembro completo

Henock Teffera

Miembro completo

Ryan Averell Go Tan


Adam Spence

Enterprise Portal...

Sujay Shaunak

Miembro completo

Gaurav Shah

Miembro completo

Dennis Robinson

President & CEO

Keith O'Connell

Delivery Manager

Richard Ngo

Miembro completo

Derek Nerenberg

Portal and Enterprise...

Govindan Nampoothiry

Miembro completo

Stephen Mock

Miembro completo

Dinesh Mallam

Portal Administrator

bo li

Miembro completo

Rupa Kannan

Miembro completo

Matthew Hanlon

Miembro completo

Michael Hahn

Miembro completo

Joe Gorman

Miembro completo

Michael Freeman

Miembro completo

Maytal Dahan

Miembro completo

Ron Bense

Enterprise Portal...

Bill B

Miembro completo

Sandeep Aradada

Miembro completo

Vivek Agarwal

Vice President -...