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deploying a theme the funck errors using liferay7 G3

Jake lee, modificado hace 7 años.

deploying a theme the funck errors using liferay7 G3

New Member Mensaje: 1 Fecha de incorporación: 5/09/13 Mensajes recientes
hi liferay workshop guys!
first of all ,i want to say that i am wondering if liferay7 G3 is really better than liferay6.2 ?
why there are so many errors , from beginning to set up? these errors eat my too much time !

i want to say that we need some better documents about using liferay7 !
I want to say that I do not want to waste time on making no sense work!

when i am deploying my first theme on liferay 7 G3, I received below error hints:

[Console output redirected to file:/Users/jakelee/Documents/workspaceCC/.metadata/.plugins/com.liferay.ide.sdk.core/sdk.log]

Buildfile: /Users/jakelee/liferayplugins7/themes/CC-theme/build.xml


     [copy] Copying 1120 files to /Users/jakelee/liferayplugins7/themes/CC-theme/docroot

     [copy] Copying 6 files to /Users/jakelee/liferayplugins7/themes/CC-theme/docroot/templates

     [copy] Copying 128 files to /Users/jakelee/liferayplugins7/themes/CC-theme/docroot

     [java] Java Result: 1

     [echo] Using native Sass compiler

     [echo] Exception in thread "main" com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompilerException: com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompilerException: Error: file to import not found or unreadable: bourbon

     [echo]        Current dir: /Users/jakelee/liferayplugins7/themes/CC-theme/docroot/css/aui/lexicon/lexicon-base/

     [echo]         on line 8 of docroot/css/aui/lexicon/lexicon-base/main.scss

     [echo] >> @import "bourbon";

     [echo]    --------^

     [echo] at com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompiler.compileString(

     [echo] at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder._parseSass(

     [echo] at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder._addSassString(

     [echo] at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder._parseSassFile(

     [echo] at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder._build(

     [echo] at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder.execute(

     [echo] at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder.main(

     [echo] Caused by: com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompilerException: Error: file to import not found or unreadable: bourbon

     [echo]        Current dir: /Users/jakelee/liferayplugins7/themes/CC-theme/docroot/css/aui/lexicon/lexicon-base/

     [echo]         on line 8 of docroot/css/aui/lexicon/lexicon-base/main.scss

     [echo] >> @import "bourbon";

     [echo]    --------^

     [echo] at com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompiler.compileFile(

     [echo] at com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompiler.compileString(

     [echo] ... 6 more


/Users/jakelee/liferayplugins7/build-common.xml:2828: The following error occurred while executing this line:

: The following error occurred while executing this line:

/Users/jakelee/liferayplugins7/build-common.xml:1407: The following error occurred while executing this line:

: The following error occurred while executing this line:

/Users/jakelee/liferayplugins7/build-common.xml:2496: The following error occurred while executing this line:

/Users/jakelee/liferayplugins7/build-common.xml:189: Sass to CSS Builder generated exceptions.

Total time: 9 seconds

Danismar Paz, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: deploying a theme the funck errors using liferay7 G3

New Member Mensaje: 1 Fecha de incorporación: 24/09/12 Mensajes recientes
I have the same problem. Someone with solution to this problem ?
C:\mult\sdk\liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0\themes\intra-theme>ant deploy
Buildfile: C:\mult\sdk\liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0\themes\intra-theme\build.xml

     [copy] Copying 1120 files to C:\mult\sdk\liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0\themes\intra-theme\docroot
     [copy] Copying 6 files to C:\mult\sdk\liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0\themes\intra-theme\docroot\templates
     [copy] Copying 128 files to C:\mult\sdk\liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0\themes\intra-theme\docroot
     [java] Java Result: 1
     [echo] Using native Sass compiler
     [echo] Exception in thread "main" com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompilerException: com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompilerException: Error: file to import not found or unreadable: bourbon
     [echo]        Current dir: C:/mult/sdk/liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0/themes/intra-theme/docroot/css/aui/lexicon/lexicon-base/
     [echo]         on line 8 of docroot/css/aui/lexicon/lexicon-base/main.scss
     [echo] >> @import "bourbon";
     [echo]    --------^
     [echo]     at com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompiler.compileString(
     [echo]     at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder._parseSass(
     [echo]     at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder._addSassString(
     [echo]     at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder._parseSassFile(
     [echo]     at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder._build(
     [echo]     at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder.execute(
     [echo]     at com.liferay.css.builder.CSSBuilder.main(
     [echo] Caused by: com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompilerException: Error: file to import not found or unreadable: bourbon
     [echo]        Current dir: C:/mult/sdk/liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0/themes/intra-theme/docroot/css/aui/lexicon/lexicon-base/
     [echo]         on line 8 of docroot/css/aui/lexicon/lexicon-base/main.scss
     [echo] >> @import "bourbon";
     [echo]    --------^
     [echo]     at com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompiler.compileFile(
     [echo]     at com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompiler.compileString(
     [echo]     ... 6 more

C:\mult\sdk\liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0\build-common.xml:2828: The following error occurred while executing this line:
: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\mult\sdk\liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0\build-common.xml:1407: The following error occurred while executing this line:
: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\mult\sdk\liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0\build-common.xml:2496: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\mult\sdk\liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-7.0\build-common.xml:189: Sass to CSS Builder generated exceptions.

Thank you
David H Nebinger, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: deploying a theme the funck errors using liferay7 G3

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 14919 Fecha de incorporación: 2/09/06 Mensajes recientes
IIRC there are problems with themes and the classic SDK. Try switching up to the liferay workspace and blade to get your theme going and see if that helps.

Come meet me at the LSNA!
Jonathan Mak, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: deploying a theme the funck errors using liferay7 G3

Junior Member Mensajes: 44 Fecha de incorporación: 3/02/11 Mensajes recientes
Hi Jake and Danismar,

The issue you mentioned has been fixed using The fix has already been sent and merged at

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
David H Nebinger, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: deploying a theme the funck errors using liferay7 G3

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 14919 Fecha de incorporación: 2/09/06 Mensajes recientes
Jake lee:
i am wondering if liferay7 G3 is really better than liferay6.2 ?
why there are so many errors , from beginning to set up? these errors eat my too much time !

Yes, it is absolutely worth it, especially from a theming perspective. The updated bootstrap and newer JS frameworks make a lot of difference.

That said, your issues are not w/ LR7 per se but with your dev environment choices.

With LR7, the bulk of the development has been done using Gradle, Blade and the Liferay Workspace. For Liferay 7 development, these are the most tested development environments.

Sure, sticking with the JDK seems familiar since that was the old way of doing things, but with theme development I think you'd be much better served if you update your dev environment to Gradle and the LR workspace and build your themes that way.

Come meet me at the LSNA!
David Truong, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: deploying a theme the funck errors using liferay7 G3

Expert Mensajes: 322 Fecha de incorporación: 24/03/05 Mensajes recientes
Hi Jake,

Liferay 7.0 brings many features to the table. We definitely have a lot of missing documentation to still work on.

For 7.0 we recommend that you no longer use the Plugins SDK for development and instead migrate to Liferay Workspace.

For documentation:
Here is an working example:

For themes we recommend that you use the new theme tools built with node. It integrates completely with Workspace and allows your frontend developers to use tools they are familiar with and allows DevOps to use Gradle to provide tooling for CI and deployment.
