Liferay Belgium User Group

Meet and Collaborate with Liferay Community members in and around Belgium.


Devcon comes to Amsterdam


October 4-6, 2017 // Amsterdam

More information here!

Welcome to the Liferay Belgium User Group!

As the number of Liferay Portal implementations have grown through the years, more users are looking for advice and knowledge from Liferay experts who have tackled all sorts of scenarios.

We have established this User Group to bring together experts to share their experience and provide help and assistance to those looking to take their portal to the next level.

Forums will be open only to those who register.  In addition, monthly meetings around the Belgium area will be held so that hands-on assistance can be provided.  

Join Today!

We are always looking for new members, and you can join by one of the founders:  Jelle Van der Linden or Pieter Ardinois.


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Jelle Van der Linden

BDM Liferay - Project...

Pieter Ardinois

Managing Partner RedTree


Carlo Werbrouck

Miembro completo

thierry vleeracker

Miembro completo

Olena Vinnyk

Miembro completo

Wouter Vernaillen

Freelance Liferay...

frederik vannieuwenhuyse

Miembro completo

Jelle Van der Linden

BDM Liferay - Project...

Kennedy Onyancha

IT Consultant / Developer

Thomas Metten

Java Solution Engineer...

Peter Mesotten

Portal Architect /...

Sammy Maris

Miembro completo

Tom Mahy

ECM Consultant

Timmy M.

Miembro completo

Bert Godon

Miembro completo

Carl Gisleskog

Miembro completo

Renaud Fallier


Laurent Dullier

Miembro completo

Jorn De Prins

Liferay Consultant @...

Koen Cleynhens

Miembro completo

Pieter Ardinois

Managing Partner RedTree

Michael Adamczyk

Liferay Expert