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JRebel Liferay Project Issues

Etiquetas: jrebel
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  • If you don't see it listed, enter it by editing this wiki page and adding a new row to the "Open Issues" list.
  • If you do see it listed and want to register your "vote", simply edit the the wiki table and add another checkmark to the "Votes" column.== Open Issues ==
1MinorJRebel + Theme development : When portal is not running in developer mode, the dockbar of theme is corruptedDec 22 2011Tested with LR 6.0.11

Resolved Issues #

IDSeverityDescriptionResolved DateNotes
1MajorSample Description of the bug - this bug is major in that it affects most of the subsystems in the arrangement.Dec 19 2011This is a link to the forum post describing the bug and workaround.
2MinorA minor bug affecting performanceDec 20 2011No known workaround.
3MinorJRebel 4.5.3 with some portlets there is a hibernate exception in the logs: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No positional parameters in queryDec 20 2011Fixed in JRebel 4.5.4
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