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Gangi Nandyala
What parts of the Liferay Page will be cached (OOTB)
5 de enero de 2013 20:06

Gangi Nandyala

Ranking: Youngling

Mensajes: 1

Fecha de incorporación: 17 de octubre de 2012

Mensajes recientes

Hi Team,
I just started using Liferay, I found that we can use EhCache for caching in Liferay.
I wanted to know more details about this caching, especially related to Liferay page.
Lets say i have enabled EhCache, what will be stored in EhCahce?
I mean it's entire page(HTML) will be cached?
portlets HTML will be cached or how it wors? is there any doc which talks about what parts of the page will be cached?

I just wanted to understand what happens if user permissions changed in case of caching?
When admin changes to permissions to group is ther any impact on the caching ? i hope there wont be any.
James Falkner
RE: What parts of the Liferay Page will be cached (OOTB)
15 de enero de 2013 7:31

James Falkner

Ranking: Youngling

Mensajes: 2

Fecha de incorporación: 17 de septiembre de 2010

Mensajes recientes

Gangi Nandyala:
Hi Team,
I just started using Liferay, I found that we can use EhCache for caching in Liferay.
I wanted to know more details about this caching, especially related to Liferay page.
Lets say i have enabled EhCache, what will be stored in EhCahce?
I mean it's entire page(HTML) will be cached?
portlets HTML will be cached or how it wors? is there any doc which talks about what parts of the page will be cached?

I just wanted to understand what happens if user permissions changed in case of caching?
When admin changes to permissions to group is ther any impact on the caching ? i hope there wont be any.

There are many different caching technologies being used in Liferay, to cache various objects that are expensive to retrieve, and EhCache is just one of those technologies. You can read more about it here and here, but all levels of caching are aware of potential changes and will not serve "stale" content that may have recently changed permissions.