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Balazs Almadi
7 de noviembre de 2011 3:18

Balazs Almadi

Ranking: Youngling

Mensajes: 1

Fecha de incorporación: 28 de octubre de 2011

Mensajes recientes


- Balázs Almádi
- Tamás Bajzát

We both have studied computer science since 4 years, Tamás does at OE, and I do at ELTE.

We have some experience with the Java, Java EE, html 5 and JQuery. Furthermore, Tamás has worked with C#, Silverlight and ASP.NET technologies.
We are new to the Liferay framework, but we would like to learn and use it.

We prefer backend programming, because we haven't dealt too much with frontend. We like to solve algorithmic problems, so if it's possible we would like to work on the control layer of the MVC approach.

Best regards
Balázs Almádi
Tamás Bajzát
Adorján Nagy
RE: WhiteCastle
7 de noviembre de 2011 7:12

Adorján Nagy

Ranking: Youngling

Mensajes: 18

Fecha de incorporación: 21 de octubre de 2010

Mensajes recientes

Hi Balázs,

In the following days we will come up with a new e-learning project because some teams chose this topic. It is a huge one, thus we divided it to some independent parts such as text analyzing, server side, different UIs and functions for teachers and students ... Each task would use its own test data so they should work independenty and not rely on other attendee's work.

Maybe the text analyzing part would be the most interesting task for you, where an algorithm should decide which user would be notified automatically to answer a question in a forum, based the keywords in the question and the knowledge of the user. We will see the details in the following days.

Adorján Nagy
RE: WhiteCastle
18 de noviembre de 2011 1:28

Adorján Nagy

Ranking: Youngling

Mensajes: 18

Fecha de incorporación: 21 de octubre de 2010

Mensajes recientes

Dear Balázs, Tamás,

Your project would be the Look-ahead search results, you can find the details here:

Zsigmond Rab is your mentor, and he will contact you in this forum soon.

If you have any question please feel free to ask.

Zsigmond Rab
RE: WhiteCastle
22 de noviembre de 2011 2:10

Zsigmond Rab

Ranking: Youngling

Mensajes: 4

Fecha de incorporación: 4 de enero de 2010

Mensajes recientes

Hi Balázs, Tamás,

It seems, I will be your mentor throughout this challange. I am a support engineer and lead trainer at Liferay Hungary, and I'll try to help you with and answer to all of your topics and questions about everything which are related to the Liferay portal and Code Camp.

My first question is, that have you found the documentation on the "getting started" link useful? The link, which has been sent in Adorján's previous comment.

So how do you like your project, do you have any questions or additional thoughts?

The first thing you should do is to create a short documentation, description, containing some basic information, your thoughts related to the "getting started" document and about your plans. I'd like to gauge your capacities and to know where we should start.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
