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Barrie Selack
Have a PACL issue in 6.2 -No PACL generation or errors
27. Mai 2014 11:25

Barrie Selack

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 25. Februar 2014

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Have a PACL issue in 6.2 - working on completing a hook

I have
in portal-ext.properties set (and verified via Admin UI)

and in my hook in liferay-plugin-package.properties have

but get no errors and no file created... if I set it to

I still get no errors, this is 6.2 GA2
is there some issue with PACL not processing in hooks?
Raymond Augé
RE: Have a PACL issue in 6.2 -No PACL generation or errors
27. Mai 2014 11:29

Raymond Augé

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 7. Februar 2005

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did you enable a security manager in the app server?
Barrie Selack
RE: Have a PACL issue in 6.2 -No PACL generation or errors
27. Mai 2014 11:32

Barrie Selack

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 25. Februar 2014

Neue Beiträge

Ah... never mind... for to enable security in Tomcat :-(
Bradley Wood
R: Have a PACL issue in 6.2 -No PACL generation or errors
7. Juni 2014 07:51

Bradley Wood

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 2

Eintrittsdatum: 16. November 2013

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Barrie where did you do that?

Sent from my iPhone with Liferay.com Forums
Raymond Augé
RE: R: Have a PACL issue in 6.2 -No PACL generation or errors
8. Juni 2014 08:07

Raymond Augé

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 7. Februar 2005

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You do that from tomcat's JVM property settings.

Typically that's in bin/setenv.sh with something like:

-Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy==$CATALINA_BASE/conf/catalina.policy

(note the double == is deliberate)

inside the catalina.policy file put:

1            grant {
2                permission java.security.AllPermission;
3            };
Bradley Wood
RE: R: Have a PACL issue in 6.2 -No PACL generation or errors
10. Juni 2014 12:54

Bradley Wood

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 2

Eintrittsdatum: 16. November 2013

Neue Beiträge

is this information documented?
Raymond Augé
RE: R: Have a PACL issue in 6.2 -No PACL generation or errors
10. Juni 2014 13:05

Raymond Augé

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 7. Februar 2005

Neue Beiträge

Properly generating a PACL policy is documented here:


Setting up the app server for java security should be documented in the app server documentation.

But in general they are all very close to being identical to above (cept you may point to a policy file which is in a different location).


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