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Albert Coronado Calzada
Submision state 'Pending QA'
5. Januar 2013 11:10

Albert Coronado Calzada

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 10. Februar 2009

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I have uploaded an application, it seems someone have reviewed my app. But now, the new stat,e is 'Pending QA', what this means? Is this normal? My app will be 'published' some day? Or I have to do or fix something? I'm afraid because I don't found information about this state and the process.

Hitoshi Ozawa
RE: Submision state 'Pending QA'
5. Januar 2013 17:16

Hitoshi Ozawa

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 23. März 2010

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I think it just means it's waiting for approval from liferay.

See the following thread on new liferay approaval process.
Albert Coronado Calzada
RE: Submision state 'Pending QA'
6. Januar 2013 23:34

Albert Coronado Calzada

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 10. Februar 2009

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Hi Hitoshi,

I hope yes, all process for submitting is confused. I'm trying to submit portlet lists.

I'm happy to ear about you.

James Falkner
RE: Submision state 'Pending QA'
7. Januar 2013 07:02

James Falkner

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 17. September 2010

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Albert Coronado Calzada:
Hi Hitoshi,

I hope yes, all process for submitting is confused. I'm trying to submit portlet lists.

I'm happy to ear about you.


Hey Albert - the Workflow status goes: Not Submitted -> Submitted -> Pending QA -> Approved (or Denied). So your app is in the queue to be tested by our Marketplace QA team. Stay tuned!
Albert Coronado Calzada
RE: Submision state 'Pending QA'
7. Januar 2013 08:47

Albert Coronado Calzada

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 10. Februar 2009

Neue Beiträge

Hi James, Thanks for your response. I'll wait.


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