Liferay Southern California User Group
Meet and share ideas with Liferay users and enthusiasts from Southern California
Southern California Liferay User Group #
Welcome to the Southern California Liferay User Group. The Southern California Liferay User Group is dedicated to learning, sharing knowledge and experiences, networking, meeting experts, and finding solutions to problems and issues related to the Liferay platform.
Are you an architect or developer? Are you passionate about Liferay? Would you like to learn more about the Liferay Platform? Then this is the right place for you.
Latest News #
The Southern California Liferay User Group is now active! Our first meeting is TBD. The agenda is still in the works but expect learning, discussion, collaboration, and more. Experts will be on hand to help answer questions.
Upcoming Events #
Directions #
Join #
The Southern California Liferay User Group is always seeking new members to join in the discussion and participate in the group.
To join, simply email me at jmedeiros at Or just stop by!
Frequently Asked Questions #