Say goodbye to Yogi Alloy

When we first started AlloyUI 2.0 development we realized that we needed a better build tool for the project. Although Ant could do the job, it was not as fast and easy as NodeJS's solutions. So we decided to switch and rewrite all our automated tasks.

At that time, YUI was using Yogi to automate tasks via command line and as usual we decided to follow their path since our projects share a very similar architecture.

In December 26, 2012 Eduardo Lundgren made the first commit in this new project called Yogi Alloy that provided some common tasks for AlloyUI, Alloy Bootstrap, and Alloy API Docs development, since then more than 250 commits have been made.

As time passed by, we realized that we were creating a new task-runner in JavaScript and there were plenty other projects that we could build on top of, specially Grunt the most popular one with lots of plugins.

In July 23, 2013 we released the last version of Yogi Alloy and started focusing our work in Grunt tasks instead. All tasks were ported following similar APIs, new ones have been added, and now it's time to say goodbye to Yogi Alloy.

Our plans is to remove the project from GitHub and NPM in March 20, 2014. So if you're still using Yogi Alloy please try AlloyUI's Grunt tasks instead.

If you have any questions please leave a comment.