Announcing the new Liferay Community site

Originally published on Liferay Community site

Today we're announcing a new place for the Liferay Community! This is something we've been waiting for a long time and we're super excited to finally show it to you.

" Wait, what? Yet another website? "

Uhh ... well ... yes! But it all makes perfect sense! Please, let me explain.

The evolution of

Few years ago when Liferay was a single-product-company, it was natural that the main website was about the product! There was no clear distinction between technical and business audience. This seemed to be a good idea at the time and worked quite well. But as they say, if something is for everyone it's not good enough for anyone.


Liferay website

As Liferay grew from product vendor to a company that builds software to solve more and more complicated business problems, the website also changed to address those goals. Today it perfectly responds to our business audience's needs. Unfortunately this also means technical folks feel somewhat abandoned. to the rescue!

Liferay Developer Network was developed to serve as new home for technical audience. It was designed to be a one stop shop for everything related to Liferay Portal - from basic information, through community guides, documentation and sample code, to tools and Marketplace plugins! The feedback after it was launched was more than optimistic and pretty much all Liferay developers and users I've talked to, said LDN is great!

Liferay Developer Network website

The only issue is - it focuses on a single product and therefore does not show you the big picture! Today Liferay provides a number of open source projects, which can be used independently or together. Meanwhile LDN only focuses on the portal platform!

One site to rule them all -!

With about 12 or so (at the time of writing) independently developed open source projects, each of which has its own website, it becomes a challenge to keep things in sync. While we want to allow project teams evolve their web presence in any way they find to fit best, we also need to serve well our vibrant and diverse community! This is how the Liferay Community website was born!

Projects at Liferay Community website

So what is it and what it will be in the future?

News at Liferay Community website

With Liferay's main website focusing on business goals and LDN being focused on a single product, we needed a place where developers like you will feel right at home! So we have laid the foundations of what we hope to quickly become a modern, cozy and functional space, where developers get to know better the whole family of Liferay projects!

At the time of writing this, the website is in what we consider phase 0 - a new beginning with huge potential to grow quickly! It features the most significant projects and publishes relevant news (one of which you are reading right now). It's very much a one way communication channel, but it won't stay that way for long! We plan to make it a lot more dynamic and interactive but we need your help!

This website is meant to best serve you so let us know what do you like and what you don't like! Share your ideas, concerns and expectations! Report bugs, typos, rendering issues! Feel free to reach us at anytime.

We really hope, together we can make this place an awesome home for all of us!

Hey Milen,

The new site looks great -- and I agree, a much needed refresh. Question for you and the new community management though. Out of curiosity more than anything really I guess, but, right now when you click on the "Forums" link in the header you are redirected back here to the old -- is the goal to have all the forum content over at the new site at some point? or will features like forums continue to live on