Liferay and Modularity

A few minutes ago I have finished my talk about Liferay, modularity and OSGI at the Spain symposium. I am pretty sure I have covered the main points I have planned before the talk but I have many more different ideas I couldn't talk about because I just only got a 20 minutes slot.

You can take a look to the slides at my Slideshare account and you will can download it at Liferay. I will push the source code of the examples to the Liferay Tech Talks as soon as possible.

Btw, Ray and I have been talking about many different concerns on OSGi and modularity stuff for the last months and he has already done a great blog post about that (needless to say I am completely agree with him). I would like to put some emphasis on the footprint and resiliency stuff. Once we could have all in place, I would like to put some effort on decreasing Liferay's resources usage putting in place all the benefits modularity, and OSGI, bring to us. This is a long story and I think this deserves more than a blog entry.

Thanks to all the guys who has attended my talk. Any kind of feedback will be extremely wellcome.

EDITED: You can find the source code examples here

Really great approach!
And what about the Liferay's core modularity? For example, some days ago i wanted to do some changes in the Liferay Service Builder code (just add some checks) and deploy it on my local Tomcat, due to that, i had to redeploy whole portal-impl JAR just to replace one class of specific package.
Maybe it's time to separate a portal core from the specific modules, like Service Builder (paradox - it's a part of Liferay core, but at the same time it used in the SDK)?
Hola Miguel,

This would have been good topic also at European Symposium emoticon
Anyway it is good that this come's open.
@Pavel This work is not only for plugins; the core will get many benefits of this approach; but, firstly, we need to put all the pieces in place emoticon

@Sampsa, nobody invited me to talk about that emoticon