Spring 2016 Javadoc Contest Winners

Our inaugural Community Javadoc Contest officially ended last week, and we received some really good submissions. Luckily, there were two clear-cut winners, so the process of choosing our champions was very straightforward. We have one internal winner (Liferay employee) and one external winner (community member). Before announcing them, I'd like to give a big thanks to anyone that submitted Javadoc over the past few months. We greatly appreciate it! Now to the exciting part!
excited applause awesome minions exciting
Community Javadoc Champion - Sébastien Le Marchand  
Sébastien fully documented Liferay's GetterUtil and ParamUtil classes, and partially documented several other classes/interfaces. I'd like to especially thank Sébastien for his quick responses and obvious attention to detail! Thanks!
Internal Liferay Javadoc Champion - Marcellus Tavares  
Marcellus provided a slew of Javadoc for our DDL Java code, which included DDL constants, exceptions, exporter, utility, comparators, and services. Thanks, Marcellus!
Again, thanks to everyone that played a part in this contest. If you'd like to provide any feedback on how this contest could be improved, or if you'd like to see this contest again in the future, please comment on this post below.
\o/ Congratulations both. I guess we'll have to have another one, once the "documentation" episode of Radio Liferay is published. There we talk about planning to have a contest emoticon