
LinkedIn SignIn
This Plugin provides an option for visitors to login with their Linkedin account. In the original Liferay login form, a user will be provided with a Linkedin sign in button.
User will be directed to Linkedin and asked for approval.
Redirected back to Liferay this plugin will use some of the Linkedin profile data to create a Liferay user using Linkedin's primary email address otherwise an autogenerated email address will be used.
User remains logged in according to Liferay's Password policy.
Subsequent visits, a user wil be able to login with Linkedin and existing Liferay user profile.

Key features:
- Allows users to login via Linkedin
- New user created in Liferay with information retrieved from Linkedin
- Optionally User is presented a form to modify gathered information before creating user
- Optionally Liferay Organizations can be created and associated to the user based on Linkedin Company
- Optionally allows autologin if user is logged on Linkedin.
- Login via Linkedin again without approval

Profile information gathered from Linkedin: Name (First, Maiden, Last), Date of birth, Industry, Company, Position, Profile image, Email address

Configuration: Administrator need to enable Linkedin login (Control Panel -> Portal Settings -> Authentication -> Linkedin)
- Specify Linkedin application Key and Secret obtainable at Linkedin.
- Show profile form for new user
- Enable auto login by Linkedin
- Choose an Organization and User association scheme

In case of logout from liferay, application does not logout from Linkedin, so if autologin is enabled by the Administrator, you will be autologged-in next time visiting the Liferay login form.
Due to PACL limitation, importing user image is not supported in current version.

This plugin uses linkedin javascript api. So it is needed to mention correct "JavaScript API domain" while creating/configuring application in linkedin.

Technical brief information: It is a Hook implememntation. Hooked existing navigation.jsp and authentication.jsp. There is also auto-login hook added.
Currently it supports the English and Dutch language. Please provide us your own translations. These will be added to the next release.
Componence Services B.V.
13-4-18 上午12:00
Published date
The string doesn't match the expected date/time/date-time format. The string to parse was: "13-4-18 上午12:00". The expected format was: "MM/dd/yy HH:mm".
The nested reason given follows:
Unparseable date: "13-4-18 上午12:00"

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${CPDefinition_displayDate.getData()?...  [in template "3192443#3192485#null" at line 4, column 9]
1<#setting date_format="MMMMM d, yyyy"> 
3<#if (CPDefinition_displayDate.getData())??> 
4	${CPDefinition_displayDate.getData()?datetime("MM/dd/yy HH:mm")?date} 
Published Date
13-4-18 上午12:00
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