Liferay UK User Group
Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from the United Kingdom
It might not sound easy for non techies to begin using Liferay so here is a thread mentioning a few links to help you start.
Liferay Portal 6.1 - Easy quick start
Liferay Portal 6.1 - User Guide
What is a web content? Part 1 (tutorial)
What is a web content Part 2
Import blogs from WordPress to Liferay
videos tutorials
Liferay 101 - Introduction to Liferay Portlet Controls Part I
Liferay 101 - Introduction to Liferay Portlet Controls Part II
Liferay 101 - Introduction to Liferay Basics
If you want to install Liferay on your machine: Download and Installation of Liferay Portal 6.1: The Easiest Portal Server to Install
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