Liferay Saudi Arabia User Group

Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from Saudi Arabia


Liferay Saudi Arabia User Group #

Welcome to the Liferay Saudi Arabia User Group.  Our goal is to form a group of people in Saudi Arabia that work with, have used, are investigating, or are simply interested in Liferay and are located in Saudi Arabia.

Latest News #

Welome to the Group!  Please register and come along to our inaugrual meetup - see Upcoming Events below.

Upcoming Events #

See the Full Calendar for all events.

Join #

The Liferay Saudi Arabia User Group is always seeking new members to join in the discussion and participate in the group.

To join

  • Just comment and introduce yourself to other members in the team @  Forum
  • Keep follow our user group for Events and activites
  • Like and join our Saudi group Facebook Page

Frequently Asked Questions #

See the FAQ page

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讨论主题回复 作者 日期
Hi Rizwan bhai, As salaamu alaikum va... Ahamed Hasan 2016年6月16日 上午2:27
Wasalam Hasan Bhai, You are added, Thanks for... Mohamed Rizwanuzaman 2016年6月16日 上午2:36
Salam Alikum brother Rizwan Kindly, Add me to... Muaath Bin Ali 2017年7月30日 上午9:39

Hi Rizwan bhai,

As salaamu alaikum va rahmatullah !!

Good to see this user group. It will be great if you can add me to this group.

在 16-6-16 上午2:27 发帖。
Wasalam Hasan Bhai,

You are added, Thanks for participating in our group
在 16-6-16 上午2:36 发帖以回复 Ahmed Hasan
Salam Alikum brother Rizwan

Kindly, Add me to this group
在 17-7-30 上午9:39 发帖。