
Liferay 7 Theme - Compass compilation error using IDE

Gary Sincick,修改在6 年前。

Liferay 7 Theme - Compass compilation error using IDE

New Member 帖子: 11 加入日期: 12-12-26 最近的帖子
I'm trying to create a new theme for Liferay 7 GA4 using the Eclipse IDE (3.1.2 - GA3) on Fedora 26.

When I run a Gradle build, it bombs on the '@import compass/css3/user-interface'. I do have compass installed on the OS (1.0.3). Here's the error message:
Exception in thread "main" com.liferay.sass.compiler.jni.internal.JniSassCompilerException: Error: File to import not found or unreadable: compass/css3/user-interface

Is there some kind of configuration necessary for this to work? Is there a library that is missing?
Joye Luo,修改在6 年前。

RE: Liferay 7 Theme - Compass compilation error using IDE (答复)

Regular Member 帖子: 144 加入日期: 16-5-3 最近的帖子
Hey Gary,

Yeah, u are right.
You need to configure something to let it use ruby compass.
Otherwise it will use the default jni.

If you’re working in a Liferay Workspace or using the Liferay Gradle Plugins plugin, set sass.compiler.class.name=ruby in your gradle.properties file.
Otherwise, set buildCSS.sassCompilerClassName='ruby' in the project’s build.gradle file.

see https://dev.liferay.com/zh/develop/reference/-/knowledge_base/7-0/css-builder-gradle-plugin

Hope that can works for u.
Gary Sincick,修改在6 年前。

RE: Liferay 7 Theme - Compass compilation error using IDE

New Member 帖子: 11 加入日期: 12-12-26 最近的帖子
Thank you very much for the reply!! That worked perfectly.