
Hide Language Drop Down in Create Account Portlet

Kulal Santosh Kumar,修改在6 年前。

Hide Language Drop Down in Create Account Portlet

New Member 帖子: 13 加入日期: 14-10-29 最近的帖子

How to hide the Language drop down in Create Account Portlet? I have attached the screenshot. I am able to hide the gender, birth day, middle name. But not able to find for Language drop down. Could someone please help me on this?
Mounir Hallab,修改在6 年前。

RE: Hide Language Drop Down in Create Account Portlet

Junior Member 帖子: 27 加入日期: 15-3-2 最近的帖子
How did you hide gender, birth day, middle name ?
Kulal Santosh Kumar,修改在6 年前。

RE: Hide Language Drop Down in Create Account Portlet

New Member 帖子: 13 加入日期: 14-10-29 最近的帖子
Hi Mounir,

You can hide the middle name , prefix and suffix by writing Module fragments by overriding Language.properties file.

Gender and Birthday you can hide from Control Panel-->Configuration-->Instance Settings-->Users. Uncheck "Enable Birthday" and "Enable Gender".

Let me know if you need more information