
WebDav setting limit capacity

Ivan Prakasa,修改在7 年前。

WebDav setting limit capacity

New Member 帖子: 7 加入日期: 16-8-24 最近的帖子
I tried to create/copy/delete files and folders using WebDAV.
After many times do a repetition create/delete, I no longer able to create folders and files.
I thought there is some limit of WebDav, because there is an error message from DOS command said about "File xxxx too large. Target file not input in file system"
I did repetition copy and delete a same file with size about 10MB.
After long time (Liferay also maybe restarted), I can perform copy and delete file again.

My question is, there is any settings to change limit storage of WebDAV?
Using portal-ext properties or anything?

Thank you very much.