
View File Entry details in dialog box from a Dynamic Data List Template

Sam Collett,修改在8 年前。

View File Entry details in dialog box from a Dynamic Data List Template

Junior Member 帖子: 64 加入日期: 08-11-13 最近的帖子
I currently have a dynamic data list which contains references to documents within a dynamic data library. I have created a freemarker template which currently lists all the documents (plus some other meta data), but when I create a link to the document it is link to download it. How can I show the document details instead in a popup instead - the same as what you see when you click on a file entry within the documents and media portlet?

What I have so far:
Display templates are used to lay out the fields defined in a data

Please use the left panel to quickly add commonly used variables.
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<#assign DDLRecordLocalService =
<#assign DLFileEntryService =
<#assign records = DDLRecordLocalService.getRecords(reserved_record_set_id)>
<#if records?has_content>
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">
            <th>Document Title</th>
            <th>Document Directory</th>
	&lt;#list records as cur_record&gt;
	    &lt;#assign jsonDoc = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(cur_record.getFieldValue("Document", locale))&gt;
		&lt;#assign document = DLFileEntryService.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(jsonDoc.getString("uuid"), jsonDoc.getLong("groupId"))&gt;
		    <a href="${ddmUtil.getDisplayFieldValue(themeDisplay, cur_record.getFieldValue(" document", locale), cur_record.getfieldtype("document"))}">
		    <td>${cur_record.getFieldValue("Directory", locale)}</td>
<p>No documents</p>
