
Liferay DB update

Victor Skovorodnikov,修改在14 年前。

Liferay DB update

Junior Member 帖子: 28 加入日期: 06-10-21 最近的帖子
Hi everyone,

Could somebody please advise on how I can update our lportal mysql database?

In the liferay-portal-sql-6.0.0/ directory there is an update-5.2.3-6.0.0/

directory with file update-5.2.3-6.0.0-mysql.sql

I tried to do mysql lportal < update-5.2.3-6.0.0-mysql.sql

That didn't work. I tried other things too which didn't work either.

Could somebody please tell me how I can update our 5.2.3 lportal database to lportal for 6.0.0?

Thank you,
Shagul Khaja,修改在14 年前。

RE: Liferay DB update

Liferay Master 帖子: 758 加入日期: 07-9-27 最近的帖子
Hi Victor,

Upgrade process is more than a single sql file. 6.0 is preview release and as with any upgrade make sure you have appropriate environment to test them out.

The below post explains how the upgrade process in general works.
