
portlet.tld missing?

Babette Wagner,修改在14 年前。

portlet.tld missing?

New Member 帖子: 5 加入日期: 10-2-2 最近的帖子
I tried to build a custom portlet using ext, but I get an error in every init.jsp.
They are pointing to the included <%@ include file="/html/common/init.jsp" %> in my Portal Project.

But <portlet:defineObjects /> is marked as error. In the original init.jsp there is this <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet_2_0" prefix="portlet" %>, but I can't find a portlet.tld anywhere in the projects. Do I have to add it myself?
mahmood alimohamadi,修改在14 年前。

RE: portlet.tld missing?

Junior Member 帖子: 31 加入日期: 09-3-29 最近的帖子
include portlet-container.jar in your project.
Babette Wagner,修改在14 年前。

RE: portlet.tld missing?

New Member 帖子: 5 加入日期: 10-2-2 最近的帖子
it is already present under Portal/lib/global/portlet-container.jar
mahmood alimohamadi,修改在14 年前。

RE: portlet.tld missing?

Junior Member 帖子: 31 加入日期: 09-3-29 最近的帖子
The uri points to /WEB-INF/tld/liferay-portlet.tld .Is that defined in web.xml?
Babette Wagner,修改在14 年前。

RE: portlet.tld missing?

New Member 帖子: 5 加入日期: 10-2-2 最近的帖子
It is. I changed nothing in web.xml. I checked portal out from svn and build ext. I can't see any differences between my version in workspace and svn repository.