
Announcement scoped by team

Javier Alpañez,修改在11 年前。

Announcement scoped by team

New Member 帖子: 8 加入日期: 09-5-25 最近的帖子
Hi Community!,

I'm working with Liferay Portal 6.1.1 CE GA2 and I want to show announcements only to members of a team of a Site. I did the following :

1. Create Site : Site1
2. Create User : User1
3. Create Team : Team1 in Site1
4. Assign User1 to Site1 ( member Site ) and Team1
5. The Administrator add to a page of Site1 the Announcement Portlet.
6. In Manage Entries, Add a Entry to Distribution Scope : Team1.
8. In Configuration of the Portlet, set in Permissions : View to Team1
7. Log in User1 and go to the page with the portlet ... In Entries Tab, don't show the announcement scoped by Team1

Any Idea? Am I doing something wrong?

Sorry for my English ... Thanks in advice.