
Yet another js error problem


Yet another js error problem

Regular Member 帖子: 110 加入日期: 11-10-4 最近的帖子
Hello to all,

I have come across some posts where people asking about js errors shown in IE. But it still seems vague why such errors occur. In an installation I 've recently set up everything worked fine when accessing from the installation computer as well as another computer withinthe network zone (and of course in my development environment), no matter if I was using Opera, Mozilla Chrome, or IE. Then, when trying to access from a computer at a distant place (via intranet - not internet, but I m not aware of the exact topology, so I dont know if those computers were on the same VLAN or anything else), and where the actual use of the web application that I implemented will take place, things did not work as expected.

I had some pages prompting for error in page, showing that yellow triangle on the bottom left corner of IE. All my pages contain portlets I developed with plugins-sdk-6.0.6 and they all containg nothing but JSF called from xhtml files. I haven't written a single line of js or added any such script from liferay admin panel. I came across infamous erros like { '1' is null or not an object }, as well as { 'isXMLResponse' is undefined }.

Although I did some searching and realized it could be an IE - related problem (since I havent tried it to another browser due to policy reasons on client site - I m trying to request for such an alternative but till then...-), I'm worried about the fact that I do not have the same problem in my development environment with different versions of IE (9&8), that the version of IE is adequately high at the site where the problem occur (IE 8) and that it does not occur at all my pages rather at specific ones. Moreover, in internet options security settings are set to levels that don't cause any js running problems. So... how am I supposed to understand what is going on?!?!

In my pages I usually use a mixture of aui and ice faces tags. I'm suspecting that maybe this have something to do about it but I can't be sure. Any thoughts, any hints, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you all in advace,


RE: Yet another js error problem

Regular Member 帖子: 110 加入日期: 11-10-4 最近的帖子
It is very peculiar why this happen but for example as far as a page iterator malfunction I faced, is concerned, the following solved the problem.
I was using
<liferay-ui:ice-page-iterator for="resultList" />

and I was getting js erros which did not allow me to iterate through result table "pages". When I added the following line under it, it worked on IE 8 , although js errors were still there:
<ice:datapaginator for="resultList" id="scroll" vertical="false" paginator="true" renderFacetsIfSinglePage="false" />

Note that nothing changed as far as GUI is concerned