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Kamal Kumar
Drag and drop file upload not working for some extension types
2014年5月7日 下午1:30

Kamal Kumar

等级: Youngling

帖子: 2

加入日期: 2014年4月30日


I have set the allowed extension types setting to * to allow any file. When I try to upload a file with .smi using basic document upload in document and media library, it works as expected and uploads the file. However, when I try to upload the same .smi file using drag and drop, it doesn't work. I get an error saying (see attached image too):

"Please enter a file with a valid file type."

Drag and drop work just fine for well known file types such as .docx.

Is this a bug or is there some other setting to allow drag and drop upload of all file types?

附件: Clipboard02.png (7.7k)
James Falkner
RE: Drag and drop file upload not working for some extension types
2014年5月8日 下午3:14

James Falkner

等级: Youngling

帖子: 2

加入日期: 2010年9月17日


Kamal Kumar:
I have set the allowed extension types setting to * to allow any file. When I try to upload a file with .smi using basic document upload in document and media library, it works as expected and uploads the file. However, when I try to upload the same .smi file using drag and drop, it doesn't work. I get an error saying (see attached image too):

"Please enter a file with a valid file type."

Drag and drop work just fine for well known file types such as .docx.

Is this a bug or is there some other setting to allow drag and drop upload of all file types?

Is this on windows? It kinda sounds like this bug but not quite.
Kamal Kumar
RE: Drag and drop file upload not working for some extension types
2014年5月9日 上午10:39

Kamal Kumar

等级: Youngling

帖子: 2

加入日期: 2014年4月30日


James Falkner:
Kamal Kumar:
I have set the allowed extension types setting to * to allow any file. When I try to upload a file with .smi using basic document upload in document and media library, it works as expected and uploads the file. However, when I try to upload the same .smi file using drag and drop, it doesn't work. I get an error saying (see attached image too):

"Please enter a file with a valid file type."

Drag and drop work just fine for well known file types such as .docx.

Is this a bug or is there some other setting to allow drag and drop upload of all file types?

Is this on windows? It kinda sounds like this bug but not quite.

Yes, this is on Windows 8.1.