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Joshua Okoro
Need liferay installation support
2014年2月5日 上午7:33

Joshua Okoro

等级: Youngling

帖子: 2

加入日期: 2014年2月4日


Please I need support in configuring the database for liferay installation.
I am using mySQL database with the default user name as "root" and an empty password
with every other field automatically filled out, its still reporting error that I should check my database setting.

Please I nee a more detailed step by step way of configuring the database aside from the one provided in liferay documentation.

Thank you.
James Min
RE: Need liferay installation support
2014年2月5日 上午9:31

James Min

等级: Youngling

帖子: 9

加入日期: 2006年8月14日


The offiicial documentation is here:

Can you show us the error you see in the log/console, or attach the log file. If you do attach a log file, please clear it out before you try starting up Liferay again, so you give the latest info.
Joshua Okoro
RE: Need liferay installation support
2014年2月6日 上午6:57

Joshua Okoro

等级: Youngling

帖子: 2

加入日期: 2014年2月4日


Please how do I access the ''error/console" to get the error message or is it the same as the error message that appeared on my screen when I tried the configuration which is

Database connection could not be established. Please check your connection settings.

Ndagi Job Job Goshi
RE: Need liferay installation support
2014年2月6日 上午8:02

Ndagi Job Job Goshi

等级: Youngling

帖子: 1

加入日期: 2013年3月14日



Following from your email to me, I believe we can consider this issue closed.

Please feel free to reach out to us again with any follow up questions.
