Screencast: Liferay DXP and Elasticsearch 7

I recently recorded a screencast that shows how to upgrade Liferay DXP 7.2 from embedded Elasticsearch 6 to a remote Elasticsearch 7 single-node cluster using Liferay's Elasticsearch 7 connector from Liferay Marketplace.



Hi Neil,

Thanks for such a useful blog, coincidentally I have to configure Elastic 7 on Liferay 7.2 . Although I have done Remote Elastic configuration for other versions of Liferay but some  information in the video is new for me. I have one question after blacklisting Elastic 6 by copying  config file "com.liferay.portal.bundle.blacklist.internal.BundleBlacklistConfiguration.cofig" file in osgi/config folder I have checked gogo shell , moduls for Elastic 6 is still in Active state. 103|Active | 10|Liferay Foundation - Liferay Connector to Elasticsearch 6 - Impl (3.0.4)|3.0.4

781|Active | 10|Liferay Foundation - Liferay Connector to Elasticsearch 6 - API (3.0.4)|3.0.4

But its removed entry of Elastic 6 from from System Settings-> Search area. 

Still I am able to configure Remote Elastic search but curious why Elastic 6 module is in active state.Is it expected behavior.


Hi Yogesh,


Thanks for the kind words! :)


I just tried deploying the config file and saw the same results as you. The two modules you mentioned are still in the "Active" state.


You should be able to add "Liferay Connector to Elasticsearch 6 - Impl" to the blacklist file as well. Not sure, but you might be able to add the API to the blacklist as well. It might be that our documentation overlooked them. Regardless, what the documentation currently has for the blacklist is good enough. Having the API and Impl modules remain Active for Elasticsearch 6 doesn't seem to cause any problems.


Kind Regards,

