Liferay IDE 3.0.0 GA1 Released

The latest stable version of Liferay IDE 3.0.0 GA1 that supports Liferay 7 and OSGi/modular development has been released.  

For those that have installed Liferay IDE stable version, if you are using Eclipse 4.4 or greater can simple "Check for Updates".  Otherwise you can use the following updatesite URL:

Visit this page if you want other downloads including Eclipse packages with Liferay IDE pre-installed.  

Release Highlights

  1. Liferay 7 Server support

    1. Tomcat

    2. Wildfly

    3. Open Gogo shell action

    4. Publishing uses OSGi Deployment

  2. Liferay Module Project support (Gradle only right now)

    1. Create new Liferay Modules stand alone and apart of Liferay workspace

    2. Import one or more existing Liferay modules (gradle only right now)

    3. Gradle commands support

  3. Liferay Workspace Support

    1. Create new Liferay Workspace projects

    2. Import existing projects

  4. New Liferay Component Class Wizard

  5. Liferay Plugins SDK 7 support

  6. Migration tool (Find Liferay 7 breaking API changes)

  7. Miscellaneous bug fixes


Release Notes

  1. Java 8 required

  2. IDE 3.0.0 is compatible with 6.2 and 7.0 CE, no support for 6.0 and 6.1

  3. One (Eclipse) workspace per one Plugins SDK
    If you need to work with multiple Plugins SDKs at one time you will need to launch a separate Eclipse workspace


 Known Issues

  1. For many of the new compnent templates in the New Liferay Component Wizard, the gradle dependencies will need to be manually updated.

  2. If add the new dependencies in build.gradle, you need to manually refresh the gradle project to update the dependencies.
    Right-click at project and select Gradle->Refresh Gradle Project


If you run into any issues, please report them on JIRA (IDE project) or here in the community forums.  Thanks and happy developing with Liferay 7.

Great news, congratulations and thank you (and Liferay Team). Looking forward for Liferay Module Project Maven Support :-)
Yes, Maven module support will be coming in future 3.x versions.
Hi, Plugin SDK missed from eclipse/Preferences/ solve this?
hi gnp , you can use File->Import->Liferay Plugins SDK Directroy wizard to import the sdk into eclipse as a project.
thank you...but i receive error : ...”is not valid directory”
maybe you should make a build.{}.properties file and add some configuration infor into it. such as
app.server.parent.dir = D:\\dev java\\portal\\liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga5
app.server.type = tomcat
and so on to point your sdk to a valid liferay portal bundle.
I found for Windows I had to make sure in my properties file that the forward slash was used (not typical backslash as windows wants when navigating) for example:

And the other issue I found is that since I copied the original build_properties files the section under Tomcat bundles (since that is what I am using) I had to change the tomcat directory to match the version I unzipped:
# Specify the paths to an unzipped Tomcat bundle.
Steven, for Windows a slash is always best in Java configuration files: Java will well accept it as directory separator, while it might interpret \ as escape. You'll need \\ in that case - and indeed that's your alternative notation. I prefer the forward-slash in all cases and on all platforms (with the notable difference of batch-files, where you will need the backslash)
Steven, for Windows a slash is always best in Java configuration files: Java will well accept it as directory separator, while it might interpret \ as escape. You'll need \\ in that case - and indeed that's your alternative notation. I prefer the forward-slash in all cases and on all platforms (with the notable difference of batch-files, where you will need the backslash)
Great news, congratulations and thank you (and Liferay Team). Looking forward for Liferay Module Project Maven Support :-)
Dear Greg,

Thank you for this blog, very useful.
By any chance, do you know if there will be a "Remote Liferay Server" plugin available so that users will be able to connect a running DXP server to their Developer Studio?
Thank you very much in advance,
What am I doing wrong?

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
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No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.gradleware.tooling.client,0.14.0.v20160817124109
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.gradleware.tooling.model,0.14.0.v20160817124109
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.gradleware.tooling.utils,0.14.0.v20160817124109
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No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.apache.oro,2.0.8.v201005080400
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.bouncycastle.bcprov,1.51.0.v201505131810
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.buildship.branding,1.0.18.v20160817-1550
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.buildship.core,1.0.18.v20160817-1550
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.buildship,1.0.18.v20160817-1550
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.buildship.stsmigration,1.0.18.v20160817-1550
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.buildship.ui,1.0.18.v20160817-1550
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.gradle.toolingapi,3.0.0.v20160817124109