Liferay Portal 7.0 CE GA7 Release

I'm pleased to announce the immediate availability of: Liferay Portal 7.0 CE GA7!

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What’s New

ElasticSearch 6.0 - Liferay Portal 7.0 CE GA7 now adds support for ElasticSearch 6.x.  Download the Liferay CE Connector to Elasticsearch 6 from Marketplace.

Liferay Faces Fixes - The following fixes for Liferay Faces are included:

Bug Fixes - A complete list can be found here.

Release Nomenclature

Following Liferay's version scheme established in 2010, this release is Liferay Portal 7.0 CE GA7.  The internal version number is 7.0.6 (i.e. the seventh release of 7.0).  See below for upgrade instructions from 6.1, 6.0, and 5.x.


You can find the 7.0 release on the usual downloads page. 

Source Code

As Liferay is an open source project, many of you will want to get at its guts. The source is available as a zip archive on the downloads page, or on its home on GitHub. Many community contributions went into this release, and hopefully many more in future releases! If you're interested in contributing, take a look at our updated contribution guide.

Compatibility Matrix

Liferay Portal 7.0 CE GA7 is testedextensively against different Open Source App Server/Database server combinations.

Application Servers:
  • Apache Tomcat 8.0 with Java 8
  • Wildfly 10.0 with Java 8
Database Servers:
  • HSQLDB 2 (only for demonstration, development, and testing)
  • MySQL 5.6
  • MariaDB 10
  • PostgreSQL 9.4
  • ElasticSearch 2.4.x


The Liferay Documentation Team has been hard at work updating all of the documentation for the new release.  This includes updated (and vastly improved/enlarged) javadoc and related reference documentation, and and updated installation and development documentation can be found on the Liferay Developer Network. Our community has been instrumental in identifying the areas of improvement, and we are constantly updating the documentation to fill in any gaps.

Bug Reporting

If you believe you have encountered a bug in the new release you can report your issue on, selecting the "7.0.0 CE 7" release as the value for the "Affects Version/s" field.


The upgrade experience for Liferay 7 has been completely revamped.  There are some caveats though, so be sure to check out the Upgrade Guide on the Liferay Developer Network for more details on upgrading to 7.0.

Getting Support

Support for Liferay Portal 7.0 CE GA7 is provided by our awesome community.  Please visit our  community website for more details on how you can receive support.

Liferay and its worldwide partner network also provides services, support, training, and consulting around its flagship enterprise offering, Liferay DXP.

Also note that customers on existing releases such as 6.1 and 6.2 continue to be professionally supported, and the documentation, source, and other ancillary data about these releases will remain in place.


Thanks to everyone in our community! It is thanks to your constant support that makes each release as great as they are!

Haha. I've never liked the minor version number being one-off-of the GA
number - it just triggers ambiguities. I caught your off-by-one error:
"7.0.6 (i.e. the sixth release of 7.0)". As 7.0.0 was the
first release, 7.0.6 is the seventh release (hence GA7). And as I'm
nitpicking... there's an off-by-6 error as well: "7.0.0 CE 7" emoticon
I knew I was going to miss that someday. Well here we are :-) . I
corrected the blog to say seventh. "7.0.0 CE 7" is actually
in JIRA that way so I have to duplicate it here.
Is an embedded Elasticsearch 6 possible with GA7 and the Elasticsearch 6 connector?
Never having tried that plugin, but knowing about the
"support" situation, and the preference of Elasticsearch to
run in its own process, I'd assume it isn't: Embedded ES is only there
for development purposes anyways, and I believe the
"connector" gives its purpose away in its name: It
"connects". But that's just a personal expectation, not a
definitive - fact based - answer.