Rookie's Learning Note of changing context path

Context Path of portal can be changed by following the steps(eg. root-->portal):
1. Add portal.ctx=/portal to file(create a new if it does not exist by you yet).
2. Rename the "ROOT" webapp folder to "portal".
3. Locate the context configuration file "ROOT.xml" under <installation-path-of-your-apache-tomcat>\conf\Catalina\localhost and rename it to "portal.xml",then correct the path attribute to "/portal".
4.Start the server and we can access Liferay by

Questions related to two instances:
It seems that it's impossible for two instances to have two different Context Paths in one portal. If not , how can we achieve it?

Backup about how to run a new instance(e.g
1.Login as admin and navigate to Control Panel→ Portal Instances,add a new instance and save it
2.To get the virtual host work we need to add it in hosts file.Navigate to C: → Windows → System32 → Drives → etc → hosts file
3.Append the following line:
4.Restart the server and access the URL in brower:,done.

Questions about accessing the new instance from different URL:
What's the essential difference here between accessing the URL www. and ?  

Do you want answers?
Two portal instances in different context paths would require two deployments of the portal to those paths. As Liferay interfaces with its plugins, it needs some code on the global classpath. Deploying a plugin would leave open the question, to which of the two portals it should go. But the "instances" you mentioned are a good workaround. If you truly need separate codebase, you need a separate tomcat installation.

For the difference of accessing and you might want to read about "name based virtual host". In short: HTTP contains the hostname that you request a document from - and the server can decide what content to serve based on the host name.
Hi Olaf,
Thanks for the reply. I've been investigated it for some time,and it is really of great help for me.

I can understand the first question with your help. While as to the second one,I found that when I accessed and navigated to control panel,I can't see the server related information,so I wonder what is the purpose of not giving permission to access it.
If you use if for multi-tenancy (e.g. have different customers on the same portal, each with their own instance) you don't want everybody to install new plugins - because the plugins are the components that are shared between all instances on the same server. The same goes for reindexing etc - There's one "central" instance for server maintenance, the rest is local to each instance (e.g. "portal" section like user management etc.)
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