New way of publishing content with the Asset Publisher

I want to make a quick update regarding the latest thing we've been working on: new way of publishing content with the Asset Publisher.

The 'classic' way of publishing content with the Asset Publisher consisted on clicking the "Add New" button, the page changed the context to the respective page of the portlet (i.e. Document Library) where the user had to fill the information, and publish it. This could create confussion to the user because of the change of context within pages and portlets.

We thought we could improve this by using a pop up that would be opened when the user clics "Add New" button. Then, the user could fill the information and publish the new content while staying at the same page.

From a user point of view, the content of the pop up remains with the same view. However, from a technical point of view, the pop up is implemented using a AUI Dialog Iframe that links to the respective portlet (i.e. Document Library) in the Control Panel.

Using the Portlet from the Control Panel (instead of adding the portlet to the community/organization/group) allows us to add new features, as the ability to create new content in all the different scopes within the same Asset Publisher and without creating any security hole (In next image you can see that there are two buttons to add content). 


This way, publishing new content becomes even easier and more powerful with Liferay.

Hope you enjoy it! :)

Isn't it confusing for the end-user that he/she has to decide in which scope his content should be created? I would leave this decision up to the Asset Publisher configuration.

Apart from that, the popup is definitely an improvement!
Hi Peter,
By default, asset publisher will publish in the scope where it's added.
However, if you edit the Asset Publisher configuration to show content from different scopes, you will be able to publish in those scopes as well.
With the asset publisher, is it possible to link to a particular structure/template within web content instead of all of web content? For example if i have a content type/structure called "press releases", I want to display all "press releases" in the asset publisher, and only press releases. Can't see how to do that...likewise when i click on add new - i'd like to see the list of content types(structures) and not require the publishers to choose web content and then the specific template.
Nice post Sergio!

To avoid confusion, this is part of the ongoing development for 6.1 that will be available in a stable release towards the end of 2011.
How can i prevent adding new content from the asset publisher? User shall be able to add new content via appropriate portlets, but not via asset publisher.