Radio Liferay Episode 37: Iliyan Peychev on Frontend and AlloyUI

 I talked with Iliyan Peychev, Software Developer from Madrid. We met during Liferay's spanish symposium (so it's about time to publish the episode - sorry for the delay). We're back on Liferay's frontend, so I'm getting my scoop on how to approach Javascript work, new tools, new infrastructure. Also - as you'll discover - I got a glimpse of developer-paradise

We talked about

  • where Iliyan's non-spanish accent comes from
  • Iliyan is a long time user and contributor to YUI (since YUI 2.x) and came on board when Liferay was looking for an Ajax Developer after having seen many of the AlloyUI components.
  • Liferay's currently open positions (changed since we recorded, but still a lot & interesting positions)
  • How to approach AlloyUI, what tools to use
  • as 6.2 uses Bootstrap for themes, we talk about the migration of existing themes and the way we work with css. (the episode has been recorded just before the actual release of 6.2)
  • The Liferay AUI upgrade tool will cover a lot of the upgrade work you need to do to migrate your existing 6.1 plugins to 6.2 - covering various API upgrades etc. (see - doesn't it sound like paradise?)
  • AlloyUI now has a testing infrastructure - automatically running a on a huge number of browsers to make sure nobody introduces regressions with a change to AlloyUI
  • Roadmap for AlloyUI past 2.0
  • Just like all Open Source projects, AlloyUI lives and improves on feedback - please help and get involved, get your impression heard. (and the same goes to podcasts. Please let me know which episodes you like, what to change, topic requests. You have blog comments to this episode on, itunes comments and ratings and other platforms - whereever you get this podcast from)
  • The AlloyUI team hangs out on Forums, IRC, stackoverflow, twitter, github, jira - use whatever suits you best.
  • An alternative to Bootstrap that has been considered
  • Though symposium season is over now, you, dear listener, might consider to come to one of the 2014 Symposiums, Portal Solution Forums, Roadshows or DevCon.
  • AlloyUI is available through CDN

Follow Iliyan, RadioLiferay or me on twitter

Again, shoutout and big thank you to Auphonic for postproduction help. This is a fantastic service!

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