Liferay Blog Reader 1.2 released

After the first release, version 1.0, with the focus on stability and the most fundamental features we released a version 1.1 with minor updates related to feedback from community. Also some functionality like opening links embedded as content in blog entries.

Now we have released version 1.2, which is a facelift. We are very happy with the result trying to use color scheme that matches the default Liferay Portal look;  so it feels "like Liferay" for the users.

Please get back to us with your feedback; input to our roadmap if there are features that would be nice for you to get there soon or if you have other feedback on e.g. the user interface.

The application (at the moment supported for Android platform) can be visited on Google Play via this link. Or you can also visit the product page.

Hi Dejan:
I really like your android app!
I've been using it lately and it's quite cool. Two suggestions here:

1) Don't load all the entries at the begining: it takes a loooooong time when you have a lot of entries (I have been reading's blogs and it's loading entries since 2008! emoticon)
2) Add a site selector so that I can login to my two or three sites/portals and load entries from all of them, filtering by site.

Thanks for contributing to the community,
Hi Juan,

I'm glad you like it!
I agree totally with your two suggestions - they are on the toplist of coming features in future versions.
Also, will try to retrieve blogs other ways then only by user's sites/communities; e.g. by user's organizations or check the possibility to select blogs from other users public sites. Have to identify common portal setups, investigate which possible ways there should be to retrieve blogs - to fit as many cases as possible.