Implementation of Q&A on Messageboards

The idea is to let a person who posted a messsage expecting answer to vote on comments as the solutions. Once those information built-up, we could use them for construct a FAQ.

The current implementation is using the MBMessageFlag table for the marker, because it was only used for marking the read status of a given message for users. This will not create needed step for upgrade.


The UI for setting a message as a question is added as part of edit page, so it was available only to users who have edit permission on the message.


Only the message creator will have the UI for marking the comments as answer


 The thread status changed to resolved after a cmment was marked as answer.

 The thread list view will show the status.

I opened an improvement issue on JIRA two weeks ago about this =P
This bolg was targeting on

However, the status can not be used as a filter like what you want in the LEP for a fulltext search unless it was indexed.

If you look at LEP-6469, it was part of FAQBuilder(could also used as knowledge base) I am working on, once that was done, search on the faq will make more sense for users to find solution. However, I can use the status as a filter while display the treads from relation database.

An nice enhancement would be to assign points value to a question and the poster could give points out to people who answered his questions. Users could start with say 500 points, they can gave away points for answers to their questions and receive points in return for their answers or other people's answers
I am wonder how the rank works in Liferay in messageboards. I am current only at "Youngling" and only have 12 posts. If I post more, say 2000, might become yoda.
Your idea can be used for expert finder in knowledge management, based on the category of the topic.