
adding a flag into liferay 7

Miroslav Ligas, modificado 7 Anos atrás.

adding a flag into liferay 7

New Member Postagens: 17 Data de Entrada: 23/02/12 Postagens Recentes
Hi I'm trying to add a new flag to Liferay 7.

I configured to add a new language with a new language code that was not present yet. Now I need to fix the flags to appear.

I could add a section into icons.svg and drop in a new flag png but I'm looking into a nicer way so I can get the flag everywhere.

I'm thinking about hooking this and pushing the flag into the core but when I look at the source code. I can't find the lexicon folder with the flag svg files anywhere.
Also if I put just a svg flag file into my custom theme it does not get pulled in into the icons.svg

Any ideas?
Miroslav Ligas, modificado 7 Anos atrás.

RE: adding a flag into liferay 7 (Resposta)

New Member Postagens: 17 Data de Entrada: 23/02/12 Postagens Recentes
I solved it by creating a custom theme builder that uses code from the lexicon to build the svg icons.

The code can be found here https://github.com/mir333/liferay-theme-tasks/commit/a3908498c5698a71ba5ca25dd9b994a1565c6879

I created also an admin theme to get these changes to the control panel