
liferay 6.2 layout templates

Heena R, modificado 7 Anos atrás.

liferay 6.2 layout templates

New Member Postagens: 21 Data de Entrada: 08/08/16 Postagens Recentes
In liferay 6.2 if i want layout template in format 25%, 50%,25% then how it must be defined. i referred liferay 6.1 documentation in which the layout width is defined in percentage and this is the link which i followed https://dev.liferay.com/develop/tutorials/-/knowledge_base/6-1/designing-a-layout-template
and in liferay 6.2 documentation its defined as span in the range of grid from 1 to 12. but how can i can define decimal values such as span 2.5.
so can anybody please suggest me how this can be achieved .

thanks in advance