
Control Panel: limiting modifications to each Org

Loretta Rauschuber, modificado 7 Anos atrás.

Control Panel: limiting modifications to each Org

New Member Mensagem: 1 Data de Entrada: 30/08/16 Postagens Recentes
I have created several Organizations.
I would like to know if it is possible, how it would be possible to limit modifications in the Control Panel to users of each Org.

For example:
I have an Organization called A and an Organization called B and a more global Organization C.'

Organization C is used and viewed by all users.

Organization A has its unique group of users.

Organization B has its unique group of users.

Is it possible for one of the users of Org A to be limited to adding Forums, Creating Users, Modifying Dropdown options, Creating Sub-Orgs, only to those users in Org A?

And likewise for Org B?

Then, would it be possible within Org A, that the user with the possibility to create Forums for Org A users, is limited only to creating Forums and not able to create users, sub-orgs etc. Additionally, could Org A's Sub-Org creater be limited to only his task within Org A, etc.

Thank you in advance for any information in regard.
