
Unexpected situations when using Liferay IDE

Pierpaolo Cira, modificado 8 Anos atrás.

Unexpected situations when using Liferay IDE

Regular Member Postagens: 141 Data de Entrada: 26/02/10 Postagens Recentes
I'm encountering several "strange behaviour" using Liferay IDE to deploy portlets (e.g. sometimes deploy doesn't produce any results, sometimes I meet errors with theme ecc...).

I'm here not to search for the solution to these kind of generic errors... I just search help to understand its cause... emoticon

So... just a question on Liferay IDE (I don't know I'm unable to find any button to post this question directly under "Tribune->Lifery IDE" section).

I kwnow two way to deploy a portlet by using IDE UI (I'm using Maven under LR 6.2).

1. rigth click on project -> Liferay -> Maven -> Deploy
If I'm not in wrong this implies the call to "package" and "liferay:deploy" maven tasks (so update /target folder, etc.).
So, by running, I can see all maven logs until war is copied under liferay/Deploy folder... then LR deploy logs start.

2. Drag project on the server (or just use on server Add/Remove functions).
I would like to know how Liferay IDE manage this situation... because deploy time is really shorter than using previous way, but something it goes wrong (for example I can't see modifications) and sometimes it shows me old information (eg. old portlet name, etc.).
Does any kind of documentation exist to explain where IDE put its files (if any) for deploy, how to clear its old information (such as old portlet name), what is the exact process performed by IDE, etc.)?

Thank you
Terry Jia, modificado 8 Anos atrás.

RE: Unexpected situations when using Liferay IDE

New Member Postagens: 14 Data de Entrada: 29/11/10 Postagens Recentes
Hi Pierpaolo
What's the version of Liferay IDE you used?
Yanan Yuan, modificado 8 Anos atrás.

RE: Unexpected situations when using Liferay IDE

Junior Member Postagens: 89 Data de Entrada: 08/10/11 Postagens Recentes
Hello Pierpaolo,

how to clear its old information (such as old portlet name)

To remove the old deployed plugins, try go to "webapps" folder under tomact, for example, "{your-portal}/tomcat-7.0.42/webapps", and where you can delete the old plugins that you deployed before.

And can you please provide the IDE and Portal version you're using like Terry asked if you still run into the situation that drag-and-drop maven project to server will deploy all the projects in server? We'll try to reproduce it on our side.
Lovett Li, modificado 8 Anos atrás.

RE: Unexpected situations when using Liferay IDE

New Member Postagens: 3 Data de Entrada: 18/01/15 Postagens Recentes
Hey Pierpaolo Cira.
Thank you for post question.
We have two way deploy a portlet by using Liferay IDE.

1.right click on project -> Liferay -> Maven -> Deploy
Your are right this way we use Maven goal "package" help user generate a war file and copy it into ${liferay-home}/deploy folder.

2. Drag project on the server (or just use on server Add/Remove functions).
Basically, First this way we copy these folders and file like "META-INF, WEB-INF ,css, icon.png, js, view.jsp" into ${liferay-home}/tomcat-7.0.42/webapps folder.
Next step we generate a xml file named ${project name}-porlet.xml and put it into ${liferay-home}/deploy folder. Portal will read it. Your probably look some log information like follows.
06:06:56,028 INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][AutoDeployDir:204] Processing Hello-Maven-portlet.xml
06:06:56,044 INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][PortletExplodedTomcatListener:61] Modifying portlets for /home/lovett/Liferay/liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga2/deploy/Hello-Maven-portlet.xml
Copying 1 file to /home/lovett/Liferay/liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga2/tomcat-7.0.42/webapps/Hello-Maven-portlet/WEB-INF/classes
Copying 1 file to /home/lovett/Liferay/liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga2/tomcat-7.0.42/webapps/Hello-Maven-portlet/WEB-INF/classes
Copying 1 file to /home/lovett/Liferay/liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga2/tomcat-7.0.42/webapps/Hello-Maven-portlet/WEB-INF/jsp
06:06:56,201 INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][BaseDeployer:2383] Modifying Servlet 2.4 /home/lovett/Liferay/liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga2/tomcat-7.0.42/webapps/Hello-Maven-portlet/WEB-INF/web.xml
06:06:56,201 INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][PortletExplodedTomcatListener:67] Portlets for /home/lovett/Liferay/liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga2/deploy/Hello-Maven-portlet.xml modified successfully
06:06:56,203 INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][BaseExplodedTomcatListener:49] Copying file /home/lovett/Liferay/liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga2/deploy/Hello-Maven-portlet.xml to /home/lovett/Liferay/liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga2/tomcat-7.0.42/conf/Catalina/localhost
org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig checkResources
Reloading context [/Hello-Maven-portlet]
Portal will load this portlet automatically.
I'm not sure if it can help you. let me know if you have some questions.

ByD kevin, modificado 7 Anos atrás.

RE: Unexpected situations when using Liferay IDE

New Member Mensagem: 1 Data de Entrada: 17/06/16 Postagens Recentes
I am new to Liferay and I have a problem in the installation of I always got this
error and I can't resolve it. I cannot complete the installation

Reputation Management
Greg Belger, modificado 7 Anos atrás.

RE: Unexpected situations when using Liferay IDE

New Member Mensagem: 1 Data de Entrada: 08/07/16 Postagens Recentes

Before I didn't get this error until after I update my Liferay IDE. I'm using Windows 10, my case is
it prompting a message, an error message actually, and it's kinda annoying because it pops an error
I guess every 5 minutes it really giving me a headache. Someone can help? Thank you! Thank you!
Retirement Planning
Andy Wu, modificado 7 Anos atrás.

RE: Unexpected situations when using Liferay IDE

Regular Member Postagens: 195 Data de Entrada: 05/05/15 Postagens Recentes
Hey could you give us more detail or some screenshot ?