
Some suggestions to improve Liferay

Thomas Kellerer, modificado 14 Anos atrás.

Some suggestions to improve Liferay

Expert Postagens: 490 Data de Entrada: 09/06/08 Postagens Recentes

I'd like to share my ideas on areas where Liferay could improve to make life for me easier emoticon

1) Please document the data model. As it doesn't even use foreign keys, it is nearly impossible to understand the relationship between the tables.

2) Please enhance the database to use foreign key constraints. A database without foreign keys is a nightmare and very unprofessional (and definitely not enterprise compatible). There is no serious DBMS out there that does not support foreign keys, so it shouldn't be a matter of portability.

3) WebContent: I would like to have a mandatory step to make the user choose a structure before adding a new article. So the editor clicks on "Add Web Content" and would then be presented (depending on his user role) with a list of structures to choose from. This should include the possibility to disable the "HTML WebContent" for certain user roles.

4) Enhanced Web Form portlet. Either by allowing WebContent to be used as a web form or by supporting the XForms standard

5) Allow WebContent in the description for calendar events. Currently the calendar is unusable for us because of this.

6) Linked WebContent. What I need on a regular basis is a list of articles in the navigation area (e.g. on the left hand side), and by clicking on an item the corresponding article is displayed in the main (center) area of the web page without leaving the current page or displaying the portlet maximized. Currently this is pretty hard to do. The only way to achieve something like this is to use a velocity template that creates the links dynamically. The asset publisher always opens the document inside "itself", so I can't display the document in a different portlet.

Lisa Simpson, modificado 14 Anos atrás.

RE: Some suggestions to improve Liferay

Liferay Legend Postagens: 2034 Data de Entrada: 05/03/09 Postagens Recentes
I'd really like to see something like exo's Form Builder, if you want to start talking forms.....
Thomas Kellerer, modificado 14 Anos atrás.

RE: Some suggestions to improve Liferay

Expert Postagens: 490 Data de Entrada: 09/06/08 Postagens Recentes
While digging into custom permissions for my portlet I noticed it again:

Please document the source code better.

How on earth should anyone that is not a core liferay developer know what to pass to a method like this:
public boolean hasPermission(long groupId, String name, long primKey, String actionId);

What is "name"?
What is "primKey"?

At least a simple Javadoc to explain what is expected here...