
Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

Amin Negandhi, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

New Member Postagens: 12 Data de Entrada: 26/09/07 Postagens Recentes

We have installed the new Liferay Sync client (1.0.9-ga3), and noticed that when files or folders are deleted from the sync directly via Windows Explorer, they do not get removed from Liferay. On the flip side, when removing files or folders from Liferay, the removals are reflected in Explorer, which is great. We are running Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit. Is the inability to delete files and folders from the Windows Explorer client and have these deletions reflected in Liferay by design or is it considered a bug? Are there workarounds? Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,
Gail Hernandez, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

Amin Negandhi, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

New Member Postagens: 12 Data de Entrada: 26/09/07 Postagens Recentes

Thank you so much for your lightening fast response! I assume that the ability to delete from the client is quite far out? We have users who are continuously moving files and folders around in Explorer and understand the risks of things getting deleted from Liferay. The good news is that moves on the Explorer client seems to work perfectly, even in cases where I'm cutting and pasting folders from one place to another -- they all get reflected on Liferay.

Is there any safety switch or something that can be done to allow deletions. Our client is an Enterprise customer and is keen to use Liferay Sync.

Best regards,
Gail Hernandez, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

Amin Negandhi, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

New Member Postagens: 12 Data de Entrada: 26/09/07 Postagens Recentes

Thank you for this. Last question (I hope!): With regard to the behavior I was seeing with moving both files and folders in Explorer and correctly seeing these moves reflected in Liferay, is that by design? So often, moves are considered delete-inserts, so I was pleasantly surprised that they were indeed being reflected on Liferay!

Best regards,
Gail Hernandez, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

Amin Negandhi, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

New Member Postagens: 12 Data de Entrada: 26/09/07 Postagens Recentes

Yes, we like it very much! If a user mistakenly deletes a file from his/her Explorer interface, but realizes that it should be retained, is there a way to let Sync bring it back to the client. As you've explained, Liferay won't be affected because the file would still be there -- I'm just wondering how the user can get it back on their client. I did look for a "deletions" text file like we saw with the previous version of Sync, but don't see it with this version.

Best regards,
Gail Hernandez, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

Amin Negandhi, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

New Member Postagens: 12 Data de Entrada: 26/09/07 Postagens Recentes

Thank you for this. In case the user has cleared his/her recycle bin already, are there any options for getting the file to come back via sync?

Best regards,
Gail Hernandez, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

Amin Negandhi, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)

New Member Postagens: 12 Data de Entrada: 26/09/07 Postagens Recentes
Hi Gail,

We're having trouble with Liferay Sync when files get moved around -- it sometimes gets confused and appears to detect them as deletions. Should we go through the Gold Support mechanism to post what we're seeing?

Gail Hernandez, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Deleting files and folders from Explorer (GA3)