
ExpandoValue of new Custom Field is null

Yannick Weinz, modificado 12 Anos atrás.

ExpandoValue of new Custom Field is null

Junior Member Postagens: 69 Data de Entrada: 15/11/10 Postagens Recentes

i have a little (or rather big) Problem with the Custom fields and Expando Values.

I need to create Custom Fields to extend the Data that is stored for Users.
Now, on a custom Profile Page, I try to read the CustomFields using the ExpandoValueLocalServiceUtil.
The Problem now ist: its null.

Thats not big of a deal for the Custom Profile Display, but a very big Problem when i want to change the Custom Field.

For Example, i have a field called Department, its a Text Custom Field. When i read it, i get back null und it simply displays nothing. But when i now want to update that value, i have the problem that i get back null rather then an Empty ExpandoValue...

And i just can't create a new one using ExpandoValueLocalServiceUtil.createExpandoValue, because it wants an id, but how do i determin the next higher ID for that, because i can't just give that some id because every user has this value...

Edit: I'm using Liferay 6.0.5


Jack Bakker, modificado 12 Anos atrás.

RE: ExpandoValue of new Custom Field is null

Liferay Master Postagens: 978 Data de Entrada: 03/01/10 Postagens Recentes
did u set the permission on the custom field appropriately ?
Rajesh Chaurasia, modificado 12 Anos atrás.

RE: ExpandoValue of new Custom Field is null

Regular Member Postagens: 183 Data de Entrada: 18/08/11 Postagens Recentes
Apart from per missioon that you need to set , the below might interest you.
I too was getting an empty value for expando in my java action(EditArticleAction.java) class but the same code when I use in jsp ( EditArticle.jsp ) gave me desired value which i had set in my acion class.I used a custom field with propery text and name as dlFileIds in webcontent category.

In java file :
if(fileEntry!= null && article != null){
String dlFileIds = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "dlFileIds");
if(dlFileIds!= null && !("").equals(dlFileIds)){
dlFileIds = dlFileIds +","+String.valueOf(fileEntry.getFileEntryId());
dlFileIds = String.valueOf(fileEntry.getFileEntryId());
if(dlFileIds!= null){
article.getExpandoBridge().setAttribute("dlFileIds", dlFileIds);


As you can see above I had passed the dlFileIds from java using a form submit to action class

if(article != null ){
value = (String)article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("dlFileIds");
<aui:form action="<%= editArticleActionURL %>" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="fm1">
<aui:input name="dlFileIds" type="hidden" value="<%= value %>" />

Hope this helps you.
Yannick Weinz, modificado 12 Anos atrás.

RE: ExpandoValue of new Custom Field is null

Junior Member Postagens: 69 Data de Entrada: 15/11/10 Postagens Recentes
but right now, this doesn't really help me, because i'm doing a complete different aproach (at least i think so, when it comes to the Expando i'm never entirely sure what happens -.-).

So my code to get the Information of a Custom Field looks like this:

public ExpandoValue getValue(String fieldName) throws SystemException, PortalException{
		return ExpandoValueLocalServiceUtil.getValue(user.getCompanyId(), User.class.getName(), ExpandoTableConstants.DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME, fieldName, user.getUserId());

public String getDisplayValue(String key) throws SystemException, PortalException{
		ExpandoValue value = getValue(key);
			return (String) BEHOERDE_DESC.get(value.getInteger());
			return (String) EINRICHTUNG_DESC.get(value.getInteger());
		if(value != null){
			return value.getData();
			return "";

And that works completely finde... But the Problem comes, when i want to edit the Values of a Custom Field for a User, if i havn't set a value for it yet (meaning i never gave this custom Field a specific value after creating it):

	public void setValue(String key, Object value, String type) throws SystemException, PortalException{
		ExpandoValue expandoValue = getValue(key);
		if(type == "Integer"){
			expandoValue.setInteger(Integer.parseInt((String) value));
		if(type == "String"){

The Problem here is, that "getValue(key) returns null, because that Custom Field for the User does not has a value yet, so right now i have no means of initializing the ExpandoValue, because i get back null instead of an empty ExpandoValue...

I wanted to try the EpandoValueLocalServiceUtil.createExpandoValue, but that method wants an ID, and i don't know how i can look up all the other IDs for the ExpandoTable and simply make it the highest ID +1...

Edit: The really strange thing is... sometimes it works! I don't know y, but today, after starting my eclipse and develop server, assigning the new field works! I could simply insert a value and everything worked... but i have absolutely no idea, why...

after deleting theCustom Field and creating it again (it was just a testfield), the same problem happens again (getting null back when i use my "getValue" method)...
Yannick Weinz, modificado 12 Anos atrás.

RE: ExpandoValue of new Custom Field is null

Junior Member Postagens: 69 Data de Entrada: 15/11/10 Postagens Recentes
Ok, i found a solution. I simply rewrote my Code to use the expandoBridge and the getAttribute / setAttribute Methods from the user, like Rajesh Chaurasia posted with his example. Now it works finde.

thx again
Pradip A Bhatt, modificado 10 Anos atrás.

RE: ExpandoValue of new Custom Field is null

Junior Member Postagens: 51 Data de Entrada: 29/01/13 Postagens Recentes
Hello All,
I am using Liferay 6.1 CE version. I added my custom attribute in User entity from control panel. I want to add this my custom field in create_account.jsp hook page. I added like this way.

<div class="exp-ctrl-holder">
<liferay-ui:custom-attribute className="<%=User.class.getName()%>"
classPK="<%=0%>" editable="<%=true%>" label="<%=true%>"
name="user-default-group-name" />

After that i am trying to getting this value in UserLocalService hook class which extends UserLocalServiceWrapper class - (hook). I find each value from this but can not able to get my custom field value.

I am trying to get custom field value like this.

String defaultGroup = (String) User.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("defaultGroupName");
log.info("Default Group Name :" + defaultGroup);

But I am getting null value or default value which I set at the time of adding custom attribute. I can not find my entered value from jsp page.

Please help me.

Regards :
Pradip Bhatt