Liferay Enterprise App Support

Thank you for your interest in this Liferay Enterprise App!

This App is offered and supported for Liferay subscribers only. Liferay subscribers are provided with the following support resources for Liferay Enterprise Apps: 

Liferay subscribers also have access to other Liferay Enterprise Apps found on the Subscription Apps page.

If you are interested in learning more about Liferay Digital Experience Platform and receiving enterprise support, please email

Enterprise Apps

  • Help Center documentation and knowledge base
  • Liferay Help Center ticketing for Platinum and Gold Clients.
  • Worldwide Liferay Subscription Services assistance with install, launch, and recovery of App

Community Apps

  • Developer's Website
  • Liferay Community Forums and Blogs
  • 3rd Party Forums


 Labs: Any app designated as"Labs" is experimental in features and is not supported by Liferay. This status may change without notice. Labs apps allow us to accelerate the availability of useful and cutting-edge features, but these apps are not yet hardened like standard Liferay EE apps. Please download and use Labs apps at your own discretion.

 Final Version: Any app designated as "Final Version" will not be available for future versions of Liferay DXP. Support for this app will end once the EOL date is reached.