Flag this blog as inappropriate...

Hi everybody,

I thought it might be interesting to share some info about the last development I've been involved on these last days. This development has been sponsored by a client and consists on a new functionality in the portal which will allow users to flag content as inappropiate.

There will be a red flag icon near to several contents (blogs and message boards by now, and more to come) which will enable a user to flag some content as inappropriate for a reason and warn the administrator about it.


After a user flags some content as inappropriate, the administrators of the community/organization in which this content is located will receive an email explaining the content reported, the url where it can be seen, the author of the content, the reporter of the abuse... etc

We've made this feature configurable through several properties (although we are thinking of creating a user interface accessible through the control panel for them). These properties allow you to specify:

  • Whether guest users are allowed or not to flag content
  • The reasons for the inappropriate content
  • The content of the email that is sent to the administrator as a result of the content being flagged

Besides adding this feature to several of the core portlets we've also created a new taglib called <liferay-ui:flags> which allows a developer to add it to their own portlets.

More information can be found in this wiki article: Flag Inappropriate Content.


By the way, don't flag this blog as inappropiate, the title was just an example... :P





Nice work!

Is there an area to give a comment about what was offensive? Also, do you think instead of "Flag" we should use the text "Report Abuse" or "Report to Moderator"? Not sure on the exact text...
Thank you Mike! I was thinking about the text for a while too. I was looking at several websites and decided to follow Youtube's patterns. So, our icon/text/reasons are very similar to the ones in Youtube (have a look at it if you have some time). By the way, Flag is just the default value in the taglib and it can be easily modified. (However, we can change that to Report abuse if more people think it is clearer).
Regarding the area to give a comment, that only appears when you choose 'other' as the reason for reporting abuse.
Very nice feature!

There are some idea to backport it to older version? We're writing a similar feature for Liferay 5.1.x, but it's difficult to do using Ext emoticon