Liferay Portal EE Trial Forums

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Meing Jye Sim
Trial EE license with EE Marketplace
2013/12/02 21:24

Meing Jye Sim

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 1

参加年月日: 2013/08/27


It is really strange that signing up for a trial EE account doesn't automatically allow me to install EE plugins. What's the point of having a trial Liferay EE if we can't install those plugins.

is there any reason why it is done this way?
James Min
RE: Trial EE license with EE Marketplace
2013/12/03 10:15

James Min

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 9

参加年月日: 2006/08/14


Please email and they will send you links to trial versions of the EE plugins. Thanks!