Liferay Austin User Group
Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from Austin
Welcome to the Liferay Austin User Group!
A core group of Liferay enthusiasts in the Austin area have come together to form this user group to collaborate and share our Liferay knowledge with each other.
Latest News
- We will be having our fifth meetup on May 15th, 2013! - read more about the event here!
- We had the fourth meetup of the Austin User Group coming up on December 12, 2012 at the Xtivia Austin office - read more about the event and check out some photos from the event.
- We had the third meetup of the Austin User Group coming up on October 23, 2012 at the Xtivia Austin office - read more about the event and check out some photos from the event.
- We had the second meetup of the Austin User Group coming up on February 22, 2012 at the Xtivia Austin office - read more about the event and check out some photos from the event.
- We had the first meetup of the Austin User Group on November 9, 2011 at the Xtivia Austin office - read more about the event and check out some photos from the event.
- Looking for like-minded folks to join the group and grow the Central Texas Liferay community!
Upcoming Events
See the Full Calendar for all events.
We will look to host regular meetups of the group to discuss Liferay architecture, design, development, and usage topics that will help grow our collective knowledge base in the greater Austin area. More details on upcoming meetups will be added to the calendar.
The Liferay Austin User Group is always seeking new members to join in the discussion and participate in the group. To join, simply email vagarwal at
- Vivek Agarwal (Founder)
- Adam Spence
- Bill Benac
- Bin Zhu
- Bo Li
- Bret Bowman
- Cale Corbett
- Chetan Chadalavada
- Derek Nerenberg
- Dinesh Mallam
- Edgar Gomez
- Gaurav Shah
- Godwin Anasigre
- Govindan Nampoothiry
- Henock Teffera
- Jack Chung
- Joe Gorman
- Michael Hahn
- Keith O'Connell
- Ken Garner
- Naidu Jitta
- Nick Piesco
- Rob Hibbard
- Ron Bense
- Rupa Kannan
- Ryan Tan
- Sandeep Aradada
- Saurabh Sharma
- Sri Thota
- Tina Xing
Frequently Asked Questions
To be created
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