
How to define the language of a template in a theme

7年前 に Klaus Bachmaier によって更新されました。

How to define the language of a template in a theme

Regular Member 投稿: 223 参加年月日: 13/09/30 最新の投稿
I'm building a Liferay 6.2 and want to provide some structures and web content templates with it. Let's say I have a web content type named "News", then my folder structure in my theme project (Maven) looks like this:

          - journal


When I deploy my theme to my server, the "News" template gets created as a Velocity template and of course produces exceptions when I try to use that template, despite the fact that it as a *.ftl file extension. How and where can I tell Liferay in my Theme what language I use in my templates?