
Images can't be loaded

7年前 に Daniel Sánchez Sierra によって更新されました。

Images can't be loaded

Junior Member 投稿: 29 参加年月日: 10/04/30 最新の投稿
Hi everyone,

I have developed and deployed a theme but it is impossible to render some images I referenced from the css files. I use relative paths to invoke that images: url("..(folder/image.png")

When I check it usin firebug it appears a 404 error (Failed to load) because within the url there is the text '@base_url@'

When I launch 'ant clean war' task it doesn't launch any sass (or similar) error.

Does anyboy has any clue about why the images can't be loaded.

Thanks in advance
7年前 に Jakub Bebjak によって更新されました。

RE: Images can't be loaded

Junior Member 投稿: 25 参加年月日: 14/01/16 最新の投稿
Hi Daniel,
use relative path to images directory:
